Guidance for children and parents
We aim at using positive guidance techniques while your child is with us at school.
- Children will be spoken to in a kind manner. Unacceptable behavior will be redirected with positive guidance from teachers. Children will not be disciplined negatively like depriving food, threatening, punishing etc. The role of the staff is to facilitate positive problem solving rather than impose solutions.
- If a teacher is unable to discipline a child through positive guidance techniques, over a period, the school will ask the parents for a conference to determine the future course of action.
- Teachers will not be permitted to use cell phones during school hours. In case of emergencies the teacher and school can be reached at 080-23415262.
Decision making process
- All decisions regarding children are based on the best interests of the individual child concerned with inputs from teaching faculty and parents.
- All decisions related to the educational programme and faculty is made by the Directress of Mitra with inputs from academic and teaching faculty.
- The management of Mitra is responsible for all the large scale fiscal and policy decisions.
Dismissal policies
- We are always looking forward to a successful and amiable partnership, however, practically we do acknowledge the possibility of default from time to time. Given the following circumstances the management of Mitra reserves the right to discontinue such relationship.
- Failure to pay fees.
- Physical or verbal abuse to any staff member by the parent.
- Failure to comply with or disregard the school rules.
- False information given by parent either verbally or in writing.
- Abuse of school property by parent or child.
“Only through freedom and environmental experience is it practically possible for human development to occur.”
– Dr. Maria Montessori, Absorbent Mind