- Mitra offers multiple opportunities for parent participation and involvement via parent conferences, field trips and special breakfasts, talking to children on holiday celebrations and/or reading and presentations to children, visits by elderly family relatives on special occasions.
- Open Houses’ will be organized during the course of the year, featuring talks on pre-school development, Montessori exhibitions etc.
- Parent conferences will be scheduled twice a year, October and March. The progress of the child in school will be discussed.
- Parents can observe the children during school hours, using the observation windows, to minimize disruption to the programme and classroom.
- Social and educational events are held throughout the year to encourage interaction among children, parents and faculty.
- Parents are welcome to schedule a time to share/read a story, do a cooking activity, music, make short presentations on cultural/religious celebrations and special occasions, gardening, putting up holiday decorations etc.
- Certain days will also be assigned for visits by elderly members of the family, like a ‘grandparent’s day’, to visit the school and interact with the children.
- Parents are welcome to help in preparing materials for the classroom and donating art supplies or snacks.
- All communication with parents will be maintained by email and bulletin boards placed in the school.
- Any meeting/conference required by the parent with the teacher can be scheduled by appointment with the teacher.
All major holidays will be observed. The holiday list will be put up in the beginning of the year. The school will have three big breaks in the course of the year as Dussehra break, Winter break (up to 10 days each) and summer break (6-8 weeks).
Birthday Celebrations
- The school acknowledges children’s birthdays. A child’s birthday is acknowledged in the classroom with a happy birthday song during circle time.
- Parents are welcome to send a very small treat, home cooked or healthy snack (such as, fruits, sweets and savouries) for their child to share with other children. Fresh fruit juice is an appropriate choice for a drink. Treats/juice will be served at snack time in the morning.
“Childhood is not merely a stage to be passed through on the way to adulthood, but is ‘the other pole of humanity’.”
– EM Standing, Life and Works of Dr. Montessori